Capturing Life’s Moments: The Journey of a Daily Photographer

The Daily Photographer's Lifestyle

I don’t often hear the ding announcing the arrival of the email with the prompt for my daily photo because it comes in the wee hours of the morning. But it is generally one of the first things I do when I wake up. Once I know my objective for the day I check my calendar to see what events of the day I might want to incorporate into the photo. Some days the prompt requires planning and props and I have time scheduled on my calendar for it. Other days I simply snap a photo during my morning walk and call it good. 

This image was fun to set up! I ran back on forth checking the image and resetting the timer until I got what I wanted. I loved how the yellow flowers framed the image and contrasted with the blue sky. 

Life on the Road: RV Living and Photography

It’s hard to believe but I have been taking a photo a day for 10 years now! I wondered how the transition to the full-time traveler life would impact it but it has been amazing! I love documenting our adventures on the road, the good and the bad. It is all part of the journey and I love seeing it show up in my memories on social media. 

Being a daily photographer offers the chance to capture the beauty of nature and travel moments every day. It allows you to document the world’s ever-changing landscapes, share them with fellow adventurers, and create a connection with your audience. Living in an RV full-time gives you the freedom to explore new places and hike in diverse environments, providing a constant source of inspiration for your photography.

The top image required a critical need to overcome a fear of heights. And the assistance of a stranger to snap the shot. I have been to some great locations!

Top row: enjoying a waterfall after a “grueling 3-mile hike”, camping in Arizona, balloons in Sedona.

Bottom row: bike ride in Colorado, sunrise at Hurd Pond in Maine, pond reflections at Patton Pond in Maine.

Perks and Challenges of Daily Photography

I try to tie the prompt to my loves of travel, nature, and landscape which is a great perk. It allows me to document my adventures and share them with friends and family. My group has rotating themes focused on style, color, technique, and lifestyle, so there is always something new to learn.

My biggest challenge is finding someplace indoors to set up a shoot. We live in a small space so there is no dedicated room and very few prompts…well, unless you count the legos.

{Clockwise from top left: capturing the first sunrise at Cadillac Mountain, Buzz Lightyear dancing in a puddle, Mrs. Photog out for an adventure with her camera, and a fun sink face inspired by Pinterest.}

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The Connection Between Hiking and Photography

Look around you. Take the time to slow down and experience your environment. Sit in nature and use all your senses to experience what is happening around you. Each hike is an adventure, and your daily photos can document the journey, from trailheads to mountaintops, through forests or along the ocean. 

I’m still partial to taking my DSLR when I hike but I have been known to use my iPhone quite a bit! The two waterfalls in the middle row were taken with my phone using the live feature and converting to long exposure. 

The Art of Storytelling Through Daily Photography

Images are a great way to tell a visual story and a daily photo project can help tell a story over time, each photo becoming a chapter in the story. 

One of my favorite parts of doing a daily project is seeing different locations I have been to, different people I have met up with, and cool events I have attended. And capturing cherished memories that will always make me smile. 

On the left: documenting my first day on the job at the campground in Maine, capturing a fantastic event on Route 66 in my hometown, and using double exposure in my DSLR for the first time! (Fun fact: one of the musicians shared this image on their Instagram feed)

On the right: the biker gang rides again, the last photo I took of my family before my dad passed away, the remains of Betty after the wild ride off a mountain in Alabama.

Gear Talk: Essential Equipment for Daily Photography

Gear is always a big topic for photographers and the debates can rage over which camera is better, DSLR or mirrorless, and which brand is better, Canon, Sony, or Nikon. But the simple answer is it isn’t the gear that is important. It is your creativity and skills. Seriously, I shoot more with my iPhone than anything else and it simplifies the project and my life. 

Balancing Work and Passion on the Daily Photographer's Journey

Balancing work and a passion for photography really all comes down to habit and priority. When I was working full time I tried to make sure I planned my photo first thing in the morning and got my shot either at lunchtime or when I first got home from work. There were still plenty of days I had to snap a fairly mundane photo at the end of the day just to get ‘er done. That’s okay. Just try to make that mundane object as meaningful as possible. Not every day will be amazing and that is okay. Make peace with that and your project will bring you joy.

Words of Wisdom

If your curiosity is peaked and you want to give a daily photography project a try just do it! Start today. When you miss a day, start again the next day. Over time you will find that it becomes more important and you really miss it when you don’t take a photo. Use the project to document a year in your life and create a book of memories for your family! But most importantly, have fun with it! 

Staying connected with the community of photographers motivates me each day. I am constantly inspired by what they come up with and the variety of who we all interpret the prompts is fun to see. I love to challenge myself to learn new techniques and try to find new ways of seeing the ordinary. Prompts are a great guide but what do you do when there is  something you want to document that simply doesn’t fit a prompt? You do what you want and move on! 

If you have ever thought about a photo project I encourage you to give a 365 project a try. You can improve your skills and gain a community of fellow photographers all while documenting the everyday moments of your life. Click below to join the one I am in. It is 100% free and the private group is one of the happiest and most supportive places I’ve found online.


Hi! I’m Shelle and my mission is simple: to inspire and empower adventurous souls like you to embark on unforgettable journeys into the heart of nature. Whether you’re an avid hiker, a passionate photographer, or simply someone who loves to wander, we’re here to fuel your wanderlust and provide you with the tools and resources you need to make the most of your outdoor adventures.

Join our vibrant community of fellow travelers as we dive into the beauty of the natural world, one adventure at a time. Let’s explore, discover, and connect with the world around us—together.

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